Friday 20 March 2015

Tips and Tricks about Espresso Coffee and Tea


  • Make sure, the group handle is always attached to the group head of the coffee machine. This is to make sure the handle remains hot and it does not produce cold espresso. When an espresso extraction occurs through a cold handle, the taste of the espresso is negatively affected.
  • Before making an espresso shot, always purge the group head. It is to clean out any coffee grinds left behind from the last shot. It is to also get rid of 100°C so 90°C water can come in. If you make an espresso shot with 100°C water, the taste of the espresso shot will be negatively affected.
  • Always clean the group handle after every shot of coffee. It is to get rid of the old coffee grinds and if not cleaned, the old grinds will cause a negative burnt taste for the new espresso shot. If the old grinds remain for a long period, it will cause a rancid taste for the new espresso shot if it is not cleaned properly.
  • After making a shot of espresso, it is recommended to swirl the cup before pouring the milk in. It is to spread the Crema around the cup to provide a better taste for the cup of milk coffee.
  • Only put the right amount of coffee beans in the grinder during operation. If the coffee beans are unused for a long period, the oxygen exposure will cause the beans to become rancid. If the old beans are mixed with new fresh beans, it will negatively affect the coffee shot's taste along with the grinder's production of grinds.
  • It is important to change the grinder's scale frequently. The amount of beans affects the blade's operation due to the weight sitting on top of the blade. Room temperature and condition of the beans also play a factor in the grinder blade's operation.
  • While some are confused about the difference in foam for flat white and latte, the flat white has minimal/extremely thin amount of foam which is why it is called a FLAT White. The latte has slightly more foam so it is scaled in between flat white and cappuccino although it is closer to the flat white.
  • When steaming the milk for foam, make sure there is enough milk at or near the bottom of the spout. If there is too little milk, foam cannot be made due to lack of room for air development along with the milk heating up very quickly. If there is too much milk (i.e above the bottom of the spout), there is not enough room for air development for foam along with the risk of milk overflowing and spilling over the jug. 
  • When pouring milk for coffee, pour slowly for more milk when making latte or flat white. Pour the milk fast when making a cappuccino. Another method can be lifting the jug higher to introduce gravity to have less foam when making latte or flat white.

  • When making iced tea using tea leaves, mix the tea leaves in cold water and leave over night. Otherwise brew it in hot water and add ice for rapid cooling.
  • When wanting decaf tea, brew the tea leaves first and pour out the water and pour fresh hot water into the pot. For tea bags, hang the bag and pour hot water over it.
  • Black tea is bitter due to the tannins. Adding milk gets rid of the bitterness while lemon does the same thing. Milk however is more effective than lemon.
  • While Westerners think Chai as a sweet spicy milky latte, it actually means tea in South Asia.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Plato's ideas and philosophy

Born in Athens in 429BC and died in 347BC, just before the birth of Alexander the Great. Came from a very wealthy and aristocratic family with many involved in Athenian politics while Plato himself was never involved with politics. During his early days, he learnt a lot about Socrates about the ways of thinking and questions relating to topic.

After Socrates' death, Plato wrote everything he learnt about Socrates. He had his own ideas and philosophy with one of his works was called "The Republic". It describes what Plato thought would be a better form of government than the current government of Athens. He believed that the best people chosen to run government is more efficient than democracy.

He learnt a lot about the natural world and how it works. He thought that everything has a sort of ideal form. One of the ways Plato tried to explain one of his ideas was the famous metaphor of the cave. There are prisoners chained to the wall facing into the cave and cannot see anything outside the cave. They can however see the shadows of what is going on outside the cave. The prisoners will think if the shadows are real or not. If one prisoner escaped and saw what real people, trees, grass and plants looked like and told other prisoners in the cave, would they believe him or not?

The point is that like those stuck in the cave, humans think they understand the real world but because they are trapped in their bodies, they can only see the shadows of the wall. One of Plato's goals was to help people understand the world better by finding ways to predict and understand the real world even without being able to see it.